Chapter 1.5 Digital competence – Tools You Can Use for Sharing
About Lesson

Taking screenshots might be helpful when doing your own sharing. In this manner, you may incorporate the data you see on your screen right into your post. We are here to guide you:

Make a decision as to how your screenshot should appear first. Do you want a picture of your complete screen captured? Do you require a screenshot of only one program or window? Do you prefer to pick a specific area of your screen and snap a screenshot of it instead?

Take a Screenshot with the Print Screen key

Do you want to capture the entire screen or only a segment of the window? then take these 3 actions.

  • Action 1: Locate the Print Screen button

The highlighted Print Screen key is on the keyboard.

Locate the PrtSc (short for Print Screen) or Print Screen key on your keyboard. On a keyboard, this is frequently one of the keys located above the arrow keys. Simply hit the Print Screen key to capture a screenshot of the current window. Is blue used for Print Screen? Then concurrently hit the Fn and Print Screen keys. Nothing will happen, but the screenshot has already been taken.

  • Action 2: How to use a screenshot in a text file?

Copy the screenshot and paste it into a text file.

Are you planning to use your screenshot in a text file? Then, after opening the file, click on the area where you want to take the screenshot. Next, hold down the Control key on the bottom left of your keyboard while pressing and holding the “V” key. Your file will now contain your screenshot.

  • Action 3: How to save the screenshot?

Will you be saving the screenshot to your computer’s hard drive? Open Paint or another photo-editing program after that. When the application is running, press the “V” key while continuing to hold down the Control key on the bottom left of your keyboard. Here, you can decide whether or not to crop the image. Is the picture decent? Then select the name and folder for the image’s saving by clicking on “File” and then “Save as.” You can now shut down Paint because the image is now in the selected folder.

Using the snipping tool to take a screenshot

Do you wish to rapidly choose and take a screenshot of a certain area of the screen? use Windows’ basic Snipping Tool.

  • Action 1: Open

Snipping Tool should be opened.

The Windows start button is located in the bottom left corner of your screen. The search bar is located at the bottom of the panel that now appears. Search for “Clipping program” there. The “Clipping program” search result should be clicked. You can see the program’s logo in the image next to it the image next to it, you can see program’s logo.

  • Action 2: Choosing the appropriate area on your screen

And choosing the appropriate screen size for a screenshot.

Cross appears where your cursor once was. You choose the area of the screen for which you wish to take a screenshot by clicking that cross. Hold down the left mouse button while moving the mouse to select. The screenshot is captured as soon as you let go of the left mouse button.

  • Action 3: Save it

In a new window, your screenshot will be shown. By selecting the “floppy disk” button, you can save the file. As seen in the image, this is the purple icon. Next, decide on a name for the screenshot and a location for its storage.