Chapter 3.2 Digital Storytelling Creation – Storyboard
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An Example Digital Story Board Chart: This chart will be filled from the images of a digital story that is completed already. Even though there are result images in this chart, this can give you an idea for your project. You can write down to the right column what you have in your mind or draw basically. Do not forget this chart will just guide you when you start editing your video. You can add or remove every kind of item anytime you decide.

1 Cagliari is the capital city of Sardinia an Italian island in the middle of the western Mediterranean Sea.

2 City’s multi-layered history is still visible in different areas

3 like the Punic necropolis called Tuvixeddu whose tombs were used as shelters during WWII

4 or the roman amphitheater partially excavated in the rock and whose fully capacity is estimated in around 10.000 people

5 or the medieval towers built in the early 14th century the highest of them used by General la Marmora in the 19th century as one of the highest points in the island in order to create an accurate map of Sardinia.
6 But Cagliari also presents a number of scars resulting from the bombing of the city in 1943.
7 Some of the scars have become new spaces in the city’s current layout but others are still waiting for their new role in people’s lives particularly in the historic district called Castello.
8 The area is chosen for my research was once the site of Palazzo San Placido a 16th century building next to the royal palace in Castello owned by a wealthy family bombed in 1943 and eventually demolished in 1972
9 nowadays the site is a small square where people can enjoy a stunning view over the eastern part of the city and the gulf.

10 This is one my favorite places in Cagliari although popular among tourist. This is a quiet space where you can sit for a coffee or quick lunch while enjoying the view.
11 Through an elevator this space is also connected to the outdoor sport facilities in the plain below into an eaten urban garden.

12 What remains of Palazzo San Placido today is a single wall and was my curiosity about the history of that wall that triggered my research.
13 What’s the relationship between the community living and working in Castello in that space is it considered heritage and what is heritage to them?
14 This research will try to answer such questions engaging with the community in Castello through interviews and workshops to explore their perception of the spaces they’re familiar with but through different perspectives.